Healing and Cleansing with Raw Foods: An Interview with Nwenna Kai

What's your #1 health complaint?

Fatigue, headaches, thyroid issues? Diabetes, allergies, acne?

Whatever it is, what if the answer to your problem(s) was as simple as changing what you put in your mouth?

Today's guest did just that, using raw foods to reverse several health issues, including acne, thyroid dysfunction, and vertigo.

Watch this video to hear Nwenna Kai's story and to learn how you too can experience the cleansing and healing benefits of raw foods in as little as 7 days!

And always, I want to hear from YOU. Have you ever reversed a health condition by making a simple change to your diet?

Does Nwenna's story inspire tiy to make some changed today?

Please leave a comment below to share!

To your health,


The Best Start for Our Babies with Kimberly Seals Allers

If you were having a baby tomorrow, and there was a proven way that you could
- help protect your baby from a long list of illnesses
-help protect your baby from developing allergies
- potentially boost your child's intelligence
-potentially protect your child from obesity
and you could do it for (close to) FREE! Would you do it?

Would you encourage your wife, daughters, sisters, nieces, cousins, and friends to do the same for their babies?

Great! I knew you'd say yes :-)

Well, that's exactly what I'm asking you to do.  If you're preggo or planning to have children in the future, this video is for you.

If you're a man, or a woman who's past your childbearing years, or don't plan to have children, this video is for your loved ones who are. (PLEASE SHARE IT).

Breastfeeding is THE most important thing a new mother can do to nourish her baby.

And Black mothers (as a whole) aren't doing it.

So let's talk about it and get it together. Umkay?

How to Stay on the Wagon

Raise your hand if you made a New Year's resolution this year to eat better or work out more or lose weight?

Okay, so that's about half of you....(yes, I can actually see you)

Today is June 20th, over half-way into the year.  So according to statistics, almost no one with their hands raised (you can put your hands down now) is actually still on track with those resolutions...

Why is it so easy to start pursuing healthy goals, but so hard to keep it going?

It kind of reminds me of a quote by Savon Garrison...

"All of these people running around here jumping, skipping, falling in love...falling in love ain't $#!+. Somebody talk to me, PLEASE, about how to stay there..." (Quote from the movie Love Jones, my favorite movie of all time)

In today's video, you'll learn 5 tips for how to stay on the wagon. Trying all 5, or even 2 or 3, can be the difference between a lifestyle change and a failed resolution.

And I also want to hear from you. Do you have any tricks or tips that keep you on track with your wellness goals?

If so, please leave a comment below to share!

To your health,
